Run Time: 116 Minutes
My Rating: 2.5/5
So tonight my wife and I saw Endgame Entertainment's Self/less starring Ben Kingsley (Ender's Game), Ryan Reynolds (The Proposal), Matthew Goode (The Imitation Game), and Victor Garber (Titanic). The film tells the story of a very wealthy businessman who discovers that he is dying from cancer. Fearing death, he undergoes a radical medical surgery that promises him immortality by transferring his consciousness into a younger body. However, his new life is not as it seems when he begins to discover the true origin of his new body.
So before I begin, if you have never heard of this film, don't be alarmed because the only reason I even knew this film existed was seeing a poster hanging up in our movie theater. I saw no trailer or anything that promoted this film except for that one poster. My wife and I decided to go and see it just out of pure curiosity of what this film could be and after seeing this film we know why this film wasn't advertised as much. The film was just ok. This film is very formulaic and is very predictable. I honestly believe the reason why we never saw a trailer for it is because if we had it would probably ruin the whole movie. The movie starts out with so much promise and intrigue, but then it quickly becomes a movie where you already know exactly what is going to happen. With all this being said, I was still entertained in this film. Even though I knew exactly what was going to happen, I still enjoyed myself while I was watching it. Also another thing about this film is that the ending was very anticlimactic. I was expecting so much more out of the end, that I was kind of disappointed with how easy it was for the good guys to come out on top. I thought that it would be very different than what it was.
However, probably the greatest thing about this film is the cast. They all actually do a very good job and without them holding this film together, it would have been very dull. This may not be their greatest acting accomplishments, but together they absolutely save this film from destruction.
Overall, the film was good, but not great. I probably would only see this film again if it was at a dollar theater or if I was renting it from Redbox. If you are just looking for a movie to go and see that will keep you entertained, then you might enjoy this film. I am not saying that this film was bad, it was just predictable and very formulaic, especially for a science fiction film. This film had such an interesting concept and I just wished that there was more to it.
Thanks again for reading!!! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas just let me know!!!
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