Run Time: 81 minutes
My Rating: 4.5/5
So on my day off from school, I decided to go and see Disney's Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. I went in the theater expecting the worst and it turns out that I was completely wrong. This film was great and I absolutely loved it. The film is based off the children's book of the same name by Judith Viorst. It details the lives of Alexander, a 12 year old boy, and his family. Alexander has the worst luck possible and what makes it worse is that his family seems to be perfect and lucky in all aspects of life. Finally when Alexander has had enough, he wishes that his family could experience just a piece of what he experiences all day, every day. Well the wish works and the following day the family experience mishap after mishap. While this day of terror continues to go on, it is up to Alexander and his family to try and make the most of their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
So I grew up loving this book. As a young child, it was one of the first books that I learned how to read. So when I heard that they were going to make a movie of it, I was really excited about it. Then I saw the trailer and I was really worried. To me it looked very childish and just plain dumb. I was completely wrong. This film was hilarious. Yes, some of the things that happen to this poor family are overreaching and would probably never happen to someone in real life, but that is ok, because for some reason it works. There is something for the whole family humor wise and something that each member of the family will enjoy. I was laughing so hard during the film and so was everyone else in the audience both young and old. In fact some lady was laughing so hard she dropped her popcorn all over the floor. The thing that brings it all together though is the cast. The cast is absolutely amazing. Steve Carrell and Jennifer Garner are at their best and they are only complimented by what the supporting cast brings to the film.
Another reason why I would recommend this film is because it is a film that everyone can relate with. Each and every one of us has had bad days, where nothing seems to be going our way no matter what we do. The thing that this movie teaches is that every bad day prepares us for some of the greatest days in our lives if we spend those bad days surrounded by the people that we love.
In my opinion, Disney has another hit on their hands. It may not make as much as other films, but it is a movie that all will enjoy. This is a great film for all ages. Finally there is a film in theaters that the whole family can watch.
Thanks again for reading and if you have any comments or suggestions just let me know!!
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