10. Hocus Pocus (1993)
MPAA Rating: PG for some scary sequences, and for language

This film is one of my favorites and it is a film that the whole family can watch. This film has a lot of humor and really has a lot of life lessons to be learned throughout the film. It is definitely one that should be watched. This film is usually played on the Disney Channel or on ABC Family during the month of October.

MPAA Rating: PG for some scary images.
Once again I know this isn't a horror movie, but for some reason I love it. I used to have a tradition of seeing this film every October in IMAX until they stopped providing it. This film is also brought by Disney from the great mind of Tim Burton. This film is about Jack, the Pumpkin King, who lives in Halloween Town, a place where some Halloween is every day and the monsters that kids dream about live.. While he is trying to find the meaning of his life and how to make his life more purposeful. During his journey he finds his way into Christmas Town where he learns all about Christmas and believes that if he brought Christmas to Halloween Town life would be better.
This film is amazing. The animation is spectacular and it is just enough weird that I like it. This film is for all ages, but does have some scary moments so if you are watching it with little kids I would be cautious. This film is usually played on the Disney Channel or on ABC Family during the month of October and December.
8. Final Destination (2000)
MPAA Rating: R for violence and terror, and for language

This film is an intriguing one. There are multiple sequels to this movie and if you like this one I definitely recommend watching those. I recommend this one because it is so creative. There is a lot of gruesome deaths in this movie so I would be cautious if you don't like that kind of stuff. It is great though and definitely worth a watch this October.
7. When a Stranger Calls (2006)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense terror, violence and some language
For anyone who babysits or who has babysit this film will scare you. Jill Johnson (Camille Bell)

My wife and I for as long as we have known each other have watched this show every October and every October my wife gets scared at the exact same parts. This film definitely hits close to home for a lot of people and is definitely a good one to watch.
6. Friday the 13th (1980)
MPAA Rating: R

Though Jason Voorhees only has a brief role in this film he still makes the most of it. It is his role in this film that many have come to say is the scariest moment in all of the franchise. Though there are many sequels and a remake, nothing quite beats this original, but the 2009 remake is definitely close. This franchise is definitely a can't miss this October.

MPAA Rating: R
Once again, this list wouldn't be complete without the man who started it all Michael Myers. The Halloween franchise is what really revived the horror movie craze here in America. It was the first original American made horror film and so many directors have tried to mimic what made Halloween so great. The film is about Michael Myers, a man who was institutionalized when he was a child who escapes on Halloween night and begins terrorizing babysitters in his hometown. As he continues on his rampage, his doctor, Dr. Loomis, is trying to find him and capture him before his patient kills any more people.
The Halloween franchise was supposed to be a anthology franchise which was supposed to be released every year with a new terror being presented each year. After this movie was released and Michael Myers became such an icon the plan was destroyed and this began the blooming franchise that still continues today.
4. Darkness Falls (2003)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for terror and horror images, and brief language

This film is actually really good and definitely a good one to watch if you are into the whole horror thing. It definitely takes a new spin on a childhood tale that will make you wonder what is real and what is fake.

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for thematic material, violence, terror and frightening images, and brief strong language.
This film is scary. For me, a person who doesn't get scared, I was even on the edge of my seat during this film. It has so many elements that work for it, that it seems so original. This film is about a family whose son Dalton falls into a coma. No one can really understand how it started and no doctor can cure him. Eventually the family requests the services of Elise, a psychic/ghost hunter, who tells the family that their son has become lost in the Further, a place where demons hide and try to take over unsuspecting human bodies. It is now up to Elise and Dalton's family to enter into the Further to retrieve Dalton before the demon that is trying to enter this world through Dalton can accomplish it.
This film has a lot of great elements that you want in a horror movie. It has originality and scares that could terrify anyone who watches it. In 2013 they released a sequel to the film which was equally as great. If you like this film I definitely recommend seeing the second one. A 3rd film in the franchise has been announced and is set for release in March of next year.
2. The Conjuring (2013)
MPAA Rating: R for sequences of disturbing violence and terror

This film is one of the best haunted house stories to come around in ages. It is creepy and definitely worth a watch. The film was such a huge success that it is receiving a sequel sometime next year and has spawned a spin-off Annabelle which will be released in theaters October 3, 2014.

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for thematic elements, disturbing images, language and some drug references
This film was the first horror movie that I ever watched and has stuck with me all these years. The film is based on the popular Japanese film Ringu and follows Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) who is investigating a videotape that caused the supposed death of her niece. As Rachel continues her investigation she realizes that the videotape has a haunted history and if she doesn't figure out how to stop the videotape she may become the next victim of its reign of terror in 7 short days.
Like I said, this film was the first horror movie I watched and it is really what hooked me to them. I definitely recommend this film to anyone who wants to be scared. The sequel is just as good and just as creepy. It was announced just a month ago that there will be a Ring 3 that supposedly will delve deeper into how the cursed videotape got made.
Well there you go. I hope this helps. Once again if you have any questions or concerns just let me know.
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