Run Time: 149 minutes
My Rating: 4/5
Last night my wife and I went and saw the much anticipated Gone Girl brought to us by Twentieth Century Fox. The film is based upon the book by the same name written by Gillian Flynn and was directed by David Fincher and stars Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, and Tyler Perry. The film details the story of Nick Dunne, a man who on his fifth anniversary returns home from work to see his wife, Amy Elliot Dunne, missing and the house torn up. He calls the police and now he is stuck in the middle of an investigation where as each clue begins to unfold the more Nick Dunne doesn't seem like the perfect husband but the perfect killer. The film takes so many twists and turns that by the end of the movie the audience won't know what to think.
Now I had read the book this summer and so I was really excited about this movie. To my surprise, the movie completely lived up to my expectations. I can't lie the film was fantastic. The actors work so well together and have such great chemistry that the film literally seems real. The two leads Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike both provide Oscar-worthy performances with their performances as the happy couple. Ben Affleck acts just as smug and just as guilty as the book presents his character to be which makes the audience hate him more and more as the film progresses. Though Ben Affleck's performance is fantastic and brilliant, it is really the performance of Rosamund Pike, who takes home the acting gold. Throughout the film Rosamund Pike gives a chilling performance that completely sets the mood of the film and really ties the film together. Also the score of the film is just as chilling and is so effective in the film that it can send chills up and down your spine.
For those of you that have read the book you should be aware that there are some differences between the book and the film. One thing is the ending. Now it isn't a huge difference, but it doesn't end the way it does in the book. Also Mark Twain's birthplace does not appear in the film as does the clue that goes with it.
Also a warning for those that have not read the book, the film is dark. It can be a little unsettling at first and it will take some getting used to. It will stay dark throughout the entire movie and is something that you should be prepared to deal with if you go and see the film.
Now there is one thing that bugged me about the film and for this reason it didn't get a 5 on my rating scale and that is the content within. There are some moments in the film that definitely do not have to be there. One is within the first 10 minutes of the film. It is graphic and can be uncomfortable and really doesn't add anything to the film. The next one appears close to the end. Nothing is really seen, but the noises are there. So just beware of that. Also the thing that really bugged me about the film is a use of an expletive that really is unnecessary for anyone to use. The worst part is that it was used in the last 5 minutes of the film, multiple times. It completely bugs me because it does nothing to the film and really they could have used any other word and it would have given the same meaning.
Overall, I thought the film was fantastic. It really is a great mystery thriller and I would recommend seeing it with some caution. The cast has great chemistry, the score is magnificent, and the film delivers on all aspects. We will definitely be hearing about this film for the next couple of months as the Fall awards season begins to take off.
Thanks again for reading and if you have any questions, comments, or ideas please let know. I would love to hear them.
P.S. There is one more thing about the film's advertisement and the film itself that I need to talk about, but it doesn't really have to do with my review. It is more of a soapbox about marriage. The critics say and the film tries to portray that this is what marriage is truly like. Let me just say that is a load of crap. The film depicts marriage as two people who live together, but drift apart after only a few years. It then depicts it as a couple who completely hate each other and seek revenge on each other. Now I know I haven't been married for long, I get that, but if this is what marriage is like then why would anyone do it. There are so many couples today that have been together for decades that are still happy and love each other very much. Yes marriage is hard, but it is also one of the most gratifying experiences of your life. Being with someone that truly loves you and that you truly love is an experience that should never be dismissed. Now there are some people in marriage that make idiotic choices that ruin marriages with no fault on the other partner. That sucks!!!!! Those people deserve to be angry. That doesn't mean that the other partner wants to kill them. They may be angry, but not murderous.
Marriage is fantastic!! I love my wife so much and marrying her was the single most important decision that I have ever made!! I wouldn't change my decision for the world. I have been so happy these past 6 months and the past year and a half that we have been a couple. Yes, we have our hard times, but they only make us grow closer as a couple. I love her so much and I don't know what my life would be without her.
Hollywood says that they portray real life, but there is no truth to that. When you see this film please understand that marriage is not like what is seen on the screen. It is exactly the opposite. If Hollywood wants to claim they portray real life, they can, but its interesting to see that what Hollywood portrays as real life is all the negatives about life. They never focus on the positive things of life and that is where Hollywood fails greatly.
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