(Definitely recommend checking out kidsinmind.com).
Run Time: 113 minutes
My Rating: 1/5
So last night my wife and I went and saw Universal's A Walk Among the Tombstones, directed by Scott Frank and starring Liam Neeson. This crime, mystery drama is based upon the book of the same name. The movie is about Matt Scudder (Liam Neeson), an ex-cop turned private detective, who is hired by a drug dealer when his wife is kidnapped, killed, and chopped up into small peices. As Matt investigates the crime further, he realizes that there is more than meets the eye in this case and when the drug dealer's friend's daughter gets kidnapped he only has a few hours to save her or she could suffer the same fate as the others.
This film is a typical Liam Neeson movie. Ever since his 2009 blockbuster Taken, when his action career got revived, Liam Neeson has played in the exact same movies. You know what is going to happen and no matter how bad it looks Liam Neeson will end on top. Now don't get me wrong, I don't consider that a bad thing. I personally really like Liam Neeson and that is really one of the reasons why I wanted to go see A Walk Among the Tombstones. I have to admit though that I was pretty disappointed. The action wasn't all that great, like other Liam Neeson movies, and I felt that the story line moved slowly and there were a lot of little subplots that really deteriorated from the movies plot as a whole.
When I first saw the trailer for this film I was intrigued by the crime drama aspect of the film, but unfortunately I felt that it didn't really live up to what I was looking for. It was boring and bland and really overreaching in some aspects. There just wasn't anything about the acting, action, or story line that really was captivating. Who knows maybe I can only handle one Liam Neeson film a year because I loved Non-Stop, which came out in February. Unfortunately for A Walk Among the Tombstones it really failed in reaching any sort of potential that it could have had.
So I definitely wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone, which honestly really shocks me. Personally for me it was a waste of my time and my money to go see this movie. If you really want your Liam Neeson fix then stay home and watch another one of his films because to be honest it is the exact same and by far better than what this film has to offer.
Thanks again for reading and if you have any questions, comments, or ideas just let me know.
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