Run Time: 89 Minutes
My Rating: 2.5/5
Hey ya'll sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I have been busy with my finals so I haven't had the time to go and see any movies. However, now that finals are done I treated myself and went and saw Fox International Productions' The Pyramid starring Ashley Hinshaw (Chronicle), Denis O'Hare (The Proposal), and James Buckley (The Inbetweeners). The story takes place in Cairo, Egypt where a group of U.S. archaeologists discover and ancient pyramid buried deep beneath the desert. As they search within the pyramid, they become hopelessly lost in the dark as their curiosity about ancient Egyptian mythology deepens. While their search for daylight seems tragic, they soon realize that being trapped may be minuscule compared to what is trapped in the pyramid with them.
This film has all the makings of being a great horror film and personally I really liked it. It has a great premise and excellent scares. However it just lacks in a few areas that make it not as great as it could be. First off, lets focus on the good things. The premise of the film is excellent. As the explorers dive deeper and deeper into the pyramid, the more ancient Egyptian mythology comes to life. I have always thought that ancient mythology whether it be Egyptian or Greek or whatever would always make an interesting horror premise. The Pyramid makes my predictions correct and does a fantastic job at it. There is so much rich and terrifying mythology out there and The Pyramid only uses just a small portion of it. However, the portion it does use makes for an interesting and exciting 89 minutes of entertainment.
Though the premise is excellent and is crafted so well, unfortunately the film falls short in a lot of areas. For one the characters are really lacking. Though the actors do an excellent job with what they have, unfortunately none of the characters on the screen are actually worth caring about and so seeing them suffer isn't has painful as one might think. In fact throughout the film I was just hoping that something would happen to all of them because I though that were just so annoying. There is not a single character that you are rooting for in this film and that is something that can seriously damage the film's story. Another thing that I didn't like about this film is the found footage angle that it has. When The Blair Witch Project came out in 1999 with the found footage horror genre and garnered great success, studios have thought that this is audiences want to see. Though I do appreciate the found footage in some horror films, I feel like their is just too much of it and it doesn't have it's uniqueness like it once did. Unfortunately though this film did not add anything to the found footage genre that hasn't already been done.
Overall, I thought the film was good. Honestly if there was just one character that I was interested in or cared about this film would have received a much higher rating. Unfortunately it doesn't. However if you are a horror fan or interested in ancient mythology, I would definitely recommend seeing this film. However be warned that this film is not for the faint in heart.
Thanks again for reading and if you have any questions, comments, or ideas just let me know!!!
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