Run Time: 141 Minutes
My Rating: 5/5
So today my daughter and I saw 20th Century Fox's The Martian starring Matt Damon (Elysium), Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty), Kristen Wiig (Bridesmaids), Jeff Daniels (HBO's The Newsroom), Michael Pena (Ant Man), Sean Bean (Jupiter Ascending), Kate Mara (Captive), Sebastian Stan (Ricki and the Flash), Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years A Slave), and Donald Glover (NBC & Yahoo's Community). It tells the story of Mark Watney, an astronaut, who during a manned mission to Mars is stranded there after his crew presumes him to be dead. Now with little supplies, he must rely on his ingenuity in order to survive on a planet where it has been deemed uninhabitable. It is up to him in order to find a way to communicate with others and find his way home.
I loved this film. It's probably the most entertaining, intense, and inspiring movie that I have seen all year. This is definitely one of my favorite movies this year and my only hope is that everyone goes and experiences its greatness. One thing that makes it so great is its incredible star-studded cast. Each member of the cast deserves praise for their performances. This is one film where I can honestly say that I wouldn't be surprised if any one of these amazing actors and actresses were nominated come awards-season. I was quite surprised because usually films with so many stars tends to highlight only one of them, but this movie had a healthy balance of all the actors talents. Even with Matt Damon being the main focus of the film, the other stars hold their own and make for a quite enjoyable movie-going experience. Another great thing is its soundtrack. The soundtrack has absolutely amazing songs and really enhances the quality of the film. Finally, the story is breathtaking. The movie is based on the best-selling novel by Andy Weir. It is a fantastic original story and is truly captivating. To be honest, on the outside it doesn't seem like this should be that interesting of a story, but somehow Weir does an amazing job at bringing in humor and intrigue.
As if you couldn't tell, I thought that this film was spectacular. I can't wait to see it again. If you want an intriguing, original story than this is for you. I promise you that you will not be disappointed. This is a great film for adults to enjoy and from what I have seen, it is so far my pick for awards season glory!!!
Thanks again for reading!! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas just let me know!!!
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